Everyone can be secure.
It is with those four words this website is founded. Computer, smartphone, and online security does not require a degree or years of experience. All it requires is someone show you the way.
You've been sold a lie. You cannot just buy "security." It is something obtained through simple choices and knowledge. Tragically, these aren't hard to do or obscure to learn. But no one makes money telling you how to use what you already have. What you need is someone who doesn't care about your money or looking smart by spouting off fancy words of no consequence - just that you not be a victim.
It pains me to see people who distrust and fear their computers - and who feel powerless in that fear. Because that's not what I see when I look at computers and phones and websites. I see tools I trust with the story of my life, and the secrets I leave out when I tell that story to others. Everyone should be able to feel like that.
This site does not sell anything. There are no referral links or sponsored endorsements. I do not work for a security company nor receive any consideration from one.
This site is to fix what is broken. Which is how we teach security to everyone else.
Welcome to DecentSecurity.com
Why you should follow my advice
Beginning in first-line helpdesk as a temporary employee and working up, starting in 2007 I worked for ten years to tale over, implement, and run Windows deployment, patching, management, antivirus, auditing, and security across over 1400 computers in 50+ offices nationwide. I was a Windows Systems Administrator for the North American subsidiary of a multinational, billion-dollar company.
In 2018, I was hired to run Special Projects and act as an endpoint monitoring lead for a Fortune 500 company.
Through my professional identity I am a Microsoft MVP, and have direct contacts with senior contributors to the Windows ecosystem - including authors, journalists, security experts, and many Microsoft staff. I often solicit their advice and ask them to review what I publish.
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I hope what I write proves useful to you and your family. It took me years to learn what you're going to do in a few minutes.
When I started this site, I said I would not accept donations. However, after several people asked, and in light of the fact the site costs over $200 a year to host on Squarespace (since 2014), I have added this option. Thanks to contributions, I almost break-even on the hosting costs.
Instead of the donation link below, you can alternatively use SquareCash or Venmo or send Bitcoin to 1C13ZNRdj6MQWno9qVPc7zy6rY1UvsJrV5.
It’s always a delight when I see a small tip in my email box. Thank you for the appreciation. I read every note I get.